Movement Tip: The Dumbbell Snatch

Movement Tip: The Dumbbell Snatch

Much like the barbell Snatch, the Dumbell Snatch, as demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart, requires driving the hips through to move the Dumbell upwards. As you…

Movement Tip: Dumbell Overhead Walking Lunge

CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates the Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge – here we are adding two elements of instabiility – first holding the weight overhead and second, using…

Movement Tip: The Dumbell Thruster

CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Dumbbell Thruster, which is really just a combination of the Dumbell Front Rack Squat and the Dumbell Push Press. Initially squatting, with…

Movement Tip: The Power Clean

The Power Clean, as demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher, is simply a Clean where you don’t have to hit full depth on the Squat part of…

Movement Tip: The Clean

CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the clean, which is the first of a two part Olympic Lift, the Clean and Jerk. When done correctly, this is a highly…

Movement Tip: Medicine Ball Clean

CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates the medicine-ball clean, which is one of CrossFit’s 9 Foundational Movements. This is a great little exercise, along with the Kettlebell Swing, to…

Movement Tip: The Back Rack Lunge

CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the back rack lunge here, which is pretty much, as you’ve no doubt guessed by now, just another lunge, but this time the…

Movement Tip: The Walking Lunge

Over the next four weeks we are going to look at different variations on single leg movements starting with variations on the lunge. Single leg movements can be particularly unforgiving…

Movement Tip: The Rope Climb (Legless)

This week CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the legless rope climb, which most definitely does require more upper body strength than the leg focused rope climb techniques we…