Movement Tip: The Kipping Toes to Bar

Movement Tip: The Kipping Toes to Bar

The Toes to Bar, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart is very often the first kipping movement you come across in CrossFit. Kipping is really just the…

Movement Tip: The Kipping Pull-Up

Today, CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the kipping pull-up. The kipping pull-up differs from the strict Pull-up in that it uses momentum to propel the chin over the…

Movement Tip: The Butterfly Pull-Up

Like the kipping pull-up, the Butterfly Pull-Up, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart, uses momentum to lift yourself over the bar. The difference with the Butterfly Pull-up…

Movement Tip: The Strict Muscle-Up

The Strict Muscle-Up is an impressive skill by anyone’s standards – take a look at this video of CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher, demonstrating the strict muscle-up. Not only…

Movement Tip: The Bar Dip

Following on from our bodyweight pushing movement theme, CrossFit Seminar staff member, James Hobart, demonstrates the Bar Dip. The bar dip is a great way to strengthen shoulders, chest and…

Movement Tip: The Double-Under

Once you’ve perfected all the performance points of the single under, you’re ready to try your hand at the infamous Double-Under, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher.…

Movement Tip: The Shoulder Press

Also known as the Strict Press or Overhead Press, and demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher, the Shoulder Press is the starting point of all our overhead…

Movement Tip: The Push Press

The Push Press, which CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates for us in this video, is very similar to the Shoulder Press, except now we use the hips to…

Movement Tip: The Wall Ball

The Wall Ball is a great little movement that you will encounter fairly early in your Crossit journey. It looks simple enough, a bit of a cross between the Squat…